Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Monsters Among Us. By Eric Smith

It is not the black male who has made the black male into a monster. It is those who have chosen to equate dark skin with evil, with beastliness, and depravity who have done so. It is a society which has placed a greater emphasis on color rather than on character in determining how to best judge a human being who has made the black male appear to be a monster.

As such the black male is not the monster. Rather the monsters are those who equate evil with the dark color of the black male's skin. The monsters are those who equate the black male's skin with limited mental capacity, with sexual promiscuity, with criminality, and with laziness.

It is the mindset of such monsters which caused the lynching of Trayvon Martin. It is the mindset of such monsters who demonize the President of the United States. It is the mindset of such monsters who turn a blind eye to the unremitting violence which claims so many black males in our inner cities, and it is the mindset of such monsters who tolerate a society where a disproportionate number of black males die young, suffer from poverty, disease & a lack of education, are incarcerated, and unemployed.

It is in short the monsters among us who are wrought with racism and allow others to pander & stoke their worst fears, prejudices, and racial stereotypes who have made the black male appear to be a monster. As such it is not the black male who is the monster. The monster is every single person who wrongly thinks the black male is a monster for no other reason than the color of the black male's skin.

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