Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The American Promise made real. By Eric Smith

However much the Republican Party and Racist Far Right would have us believe, President Barack Obama is not an African American president. He is a president who happens to be African American. This is important to remember since it not possible for there to be an African American president in these United States and by that I mean a president who primarily represents the African American people. This is because we African Americans are a decided minority in this country and as such we simply lack the numbers to elect anyone to the presidency on our own. 

Barack Obama is President of the United States because he represents everybody. He is the living embodiment of our national melting pot; the national promise made real. That is why he is not and never will be marginalized because of the color of his skin no matter how hard the Racist Right will try because he personifies far, far more than mere pigmentation. There is something truly glorious when a nation, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. finally begins "to live up to the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self evident that all are created equal..."; when we finally give a glimpse to ourselves and to the world of that day, also in the words of Dr. King, when America will finally be "what it says it is on paper."

As such, while racism is the root of the hatred the Republican Party and the Far Right feels towards President Obama, there is far more to the vitriol that fuels this racism than mere color alone. My feeling is that just as Dr. King inspired the hatred of his enemies by revealing to them the true power of love, President Obama inspires the hatred of his enemies by revealing to them the lie that is at the heart of their very existence; that there really is indeed no such thing as a master race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, and that America deep down is at heart what it has always said it is.

These people simply can't handle this truth and their awakening to it in the form of President Obama has literally caused them to crack up and lose their minds. Obama Derangement Syndrome is real for it has caused the racists in our midst, who were mentally unbalanced by merely being racists in the first place, to completely flip out. President Obama has yanked their wigs off and shown these people for the truly ugly human beings they are and history will forever record their homely dispositions, their putrid thoughts, and their nasty, ignorant attitudes. 

In a way what we see happening now is a cleansing of the American soul. The poison now being released by the Republican Party and the Far Right is indeed foul smelling and hideous to behold but at least the national boil under which it was for so long hidden has finally been lanced and once it runs its course, true healing will finally commence. We will in this country and in the lifetimes of many now living, move past the issues of race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. We will do this because in 2008 and 2012 the people of these United States reached down deep to grab something noble about the soul of this nation and used it as a catalyst to elect and reelect not the first African American president, but the first president who happened to be African American and in the process forever proved the eternal truth of President Abraham Lincoln's final words at Gettysburg in which he said that America is indeed "the last best hope of Earth."

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