Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Fight to the Finish. By Eric Smith

You do not negotiate with terrorists.  You take them down.  You don't play nice with hostage takers.  You annihilate them.  In the form of the Republican Party we are up against people who seek to deny food to the hungry, healthcare for the sick, and the vote to those who in their opinion vote the "wrong" way.  We are up against a people & political party that though claiming to be for small government nonetheless believes in state sanctioned rape in the form of forced ultrasounds and other highly invasive medical procedures directed at pregnant women.  We are up against a party that wants to eradicate the social safety nets that are Social Security & Medicare; who seek to eliminate food inspectors who ensure that the food we consume is not contaminated & safe to eat.

They want to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency which seeks to ensure that the we drink clean water and breath unpolluted air.  We are up against a party that wants to eliminate the minimum wage & child labor laws, and we are up against a party that wants to eliminate the middle class and create in its place a two class society; a society of rich and poor where the haves grows fat on the unrequited toil of the have nots.

The Republican Party in short seeks to turn America into a pseudo slavery society firmly rooted in white supremacy and grounded by male domination.  This is who and what we are up against. This is the true face and nature of our foe.  If we cherish any of the above things mentioned then there can be no middle ground to be had with our adversaries for these people see compromise as conquest and therefore the only language they understand is the language of conquest; whether they are the ones who conquer or are conquered.  

Against such  a foe our option can be none other than to pursue a policy of total annihilation for anything short of that will be a victory for them in that they will be able to rise and wreak havoc again as they have done so repeatedly in the past.  We do not have the luxury of allowing them to do that again.   This time we must finish the job and by that I mean finish them off permanently.  Therefore let this be the final battle.  Make this current battlefield be their permanent graveyard.  Annihilate!  Annihilate!  Annihilate!  Let this be our battle cry against the Republican Party and the Far Right!

Take no prisoners, give no ground, and charge straight ahead and be not moved by their calls for accommodation & common ground  for make no mistake these calls on their part are insincere since they themselves are engaged in a war of annihilation of their own; a war that seeks to annihilate us, this country, and all its freedoms save only those freedoms they would reserve solely for themselves.   These are the stakes.  It is either them or non existence for everyone else.

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