Here's the deal. The Republican Party has been catering to this racist, crazy crowd that has been calling the first African American President of the United States the "n" word in every way, shape, and form since even before he first assumed office and I'm supposed to give a rats ass about appearing uncivil, super partisan, and cruel to them? Me, an African American man is supposed to give a damn what these people think? I don't think so.
The only thing I owe the Republican Party at this point is a proverbial punch in the nose and a swift kick in the ass. You don't go where that party has gone with people who look like me in general and this president in particular and expect anything approaching civility. Until the Republican Party as a whole publicly renounces and publicly disassociates itself from this crowd it will be in no position to expect, let alone demand, anything other than open hostility from the likes of me.
As long as it caters to that crowd which calls President Obama the "n" word with impunity, which calls for his lynching, which questions his legitimacy to be president, and seeks to suppress the black vote as punishment for our having voted for this first African American president in overwhelming numbers, there will be no room for compromise, no place for civility, and certainly no reason whatsoever for people like me to seek any kind of common ground.
No. As long as the Republican Party stands where it currently stands and caters to this racist crowd that is now its base, it will be rightly regarded by me and people like me for what it really is; our mortal enemy; a mortal enemy not to be accommodated with but destroyed.
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