Sunday, May 25, 2014

Open Letter to Joe Scarborough. By Eric Smith

An Open Letter to Joe Scarborough
Morning Joe

Dear Mr. Scarborough:

My name is Eric Smith; a proud member of a group, #Uniteblue you have just nationally demeaned as being comprised of extremists and hatemongers. Now I should be surprised by your comments directed at us but I am not because by you being a proud member of the Republican Party who knows more about extremists and hatemongers than you do. After all hate is your base as the picture included in this picture clearly illustrated.

You and your fellow Republicans defend individuals like this who wave the Confederate flag in front of a White House that houses the first African President of the United States as being a simple expression of free speech yet you smear my group #Uniteblue as being composed of hatemongers & extremists even though our sole reason is to support President Obama & his agenda and by that I mean support equal pay for equal work for women, an end to voter supression based on as now being solely practiced by your Republican Party, a raising of the minimum wage so hard working Americans should not have to continue to suffer the trauma & indignity of remaining in poverty even though they work several jobs and play by the rules.

We in #Uniteblue support extending unemployment benefits for the long term unemployed so they can continue to support themselves and their families while they continue to seek regain the ranks of the gainfully employed; ranks (jobs) they lost due to your beloved GOP's destructive economic policies that sent this country into a Great Recession and would have led to a second Great Depression but for this current president and the sane economic policies of sharing the wealth as the responsibilities that both he and #Uniteblue so heartily support.

We support the Affordable Health Care Act because we believe that affordable health care is a matter of life and death for millions. We in #Uniteblue support common sense gun laws for the same reason which is funny when you think about it because you belong to the so called Right to Life Party but support policies that end lives whereas the policies we in #Uniteblue support in the form of affordable health care and common sense gun laws both sustain and save lives.

Yet according to you and your ilk it is we who are the extremists and the hatemongers. Again it is funny considering how your party has had no problem giving voice to the crazies who say that President Obama was not born in the United States and is thus not eligible to be president. It is your party which has not called out those haters who have substituted the word ROPE for HOPE in images of President Obama with a noose around his neck while an effigy of the President of the United States is hanging from a tree.

I find it very amusing that you recently celebrated the life & legacy if Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks, while commorating the 100th Anniversary of the opening of Chicago's venerable Wrigley Field. I find it interesting because if your party, your Republican Party, has its way, then people who look like Mr. Cub will lose their right to vote. People who look like Mr. Cub will again have to drink at separatee water fountains and use separate restrooms. Why, because that is what your party's base believes in; that's what they are about and you being a Republican these days can no more separate yourself from that than one can separate the stink from manure.

So if you want to call we in #Uniteblue extremists then go right ahead because to people like you and your party who clearly believe in the exact opposite of what we do, then we in #Uniteblue are extremists; we are extremists in the sense that we not only believe in but believe in fighting tooth and nail for equal pay for equal equal work, for an end to voter suppression based on race, for women's reproductive rights, and a raising of the minimum wage. We are extremists in the sense that we fight for what we believe in and we are hatemongers in the sense that we call out the hatred; be that hatred grounded on racism, sexism, or homophobia, of those who oppose us.

Yet more to the point, when we speak we speak from the heart and we speak for free. We have created our own bully pulpit and by calling us out you have given us a national forum. Unlike you Mr. Scarborough our voices will not be muted once we stop making money for those who provide us a forum for your forum is limited to a network; our forum is America and our audience is the American people and the American people; being ultimately about full equality & fair play will continue to listen to and learn from us in #Uniteblue long after they have tuned you and your beloved party out.

We in #Uniteblue stand on the right side of history and we stand on the right side of history because we stand united with the people. We in #Uniteblue stand for freedom for all rather than freedom for the few for we know that whenever freedom is limited to the few there is no real freedom for anybody. So in the final analysis Mr. Scarborough if we in #Uniteblue are extremists then so too is justice, full equality, and fair play. If we are as you say hatemongers, then so too is love; love for our fellow citizens who are less fortunate and those noble ideals of Equal Opportunity and Equal Justice for All that makes America so great.

Unlike you and your fellow Republcians Mr. Scarborough who repeatedly pay mere lip service to your love of Liberty and who have long since mastered the art of preaching what you don't practice in regards to it; we in #Uniteblue do practice what we preach when it comes to Liberty for again we believe in and fight for freedom for all; we fight to secure it for those for whom it is still too often wrongly denied; people of color, women, gays, the middle class, and the poor. That's who we are and nothing said will ever take away our pride or prevent us from proudly proclaiming who we are and what we stand for; for who we are and what we stand for is something good, it is something decent, and it is something great for who we stand for and who we stand with is each other; other of course being America and from where I sit Sir that is neither the mark of an extemist or a hatemonger. It is the proud emblem of a patriot.


Eric Smith

Proud member of #Uniteblue

Friday, May 23, 2014

Why I Support #UniteBlue. By Eric Smith

I am a proud member of a group called #UniteBlue and I say proud because these are some of the most upstanding decent people I have ever had the privilege of knowing on Facebook or off. They all stand for and fight for all the right things as far as I'm concerned; equal pay for equal work, a raising of the minimum wage, extension of unemployment benefits, an end to voter suppression, and support for women's reproductive rights among other things.

These people are anything but radicals and are operating nowhere near a fringe unless the fringe can be defined as a place where people believe in justice and fight for fair play. Now even though I have a Twitter account, Twitter is not really my thing and I use it very, very sparingly.

However today or yesterday some Twitter Twit who works as a talking head at a very prominent network tweeted some very vile and nasty things about #UniteBlue. Of course, because this person does occupy a somewhat prominent position in the mass media, people in my group are understandably very upset and taking what this Twitter Twit said very seriously and quite personally. Even though I love #UniteBlue and am a proud member of it I am not the least bit offended by what this person said and I certainly don't take anything he has to say about anything seriously or personally. I mean I don't watch him on TV and I certainly don't follow him on Twitter because he doesn't strike me as being all that relevant. Now I'm not going to say this person's mental elevator is a full express but it sure as hell isn't a local either because anyone who would say about #UniteBlue clearly has an elevator that skips some floors.

As such I'm not going to mention this fellow's name because he's not worth the time and I'm certainly not going to embarrass the network he works for by mentioning his name in the same sentence as that network because overall this network does a fantastic job and is entitled to have a "mistake" in its employ if it chooses as this not to be named individual most certainly is.

So to my fellow members of #UniteBlue don't dignify this stupidity by reacting to it or demanding an apology that cannot possibly be anything other than insincere. Our job; our only job, is to get people to the polls this election year and beyond; to render the Republican Party and the Far Right extinct. That's our job; to make the GOP the political equivalent of the Passenger Pigeon. That's it. All of this other stuff is just a needless distraction and is neither worthy of our attention or our time. We answer what was said about us today by getting people registered to vote and to the polls. Period. So move on my friends at #UniteBlue and just say to yourselves "Mistake who?" and leave it at that.