These people are anything but radicals and are operating nowhere near a fringe unless the fringe can be defined as a place where people believe in justice and fight for fair play. Now even though I have a Twitter account, Twitter is not really my thing and I use it very, very sparingly.
However today or yesterday some Twitter Twit who works as a talking head at a very prominent network tweeted some very vile and nasty things about #UniteBlue. Of course, because this person does occupy a somewhat prominent position in the mass media, people in my group are understandably very upset and taking what this Twitter Twit said very seriously and quite personally. Even though I love #UniteBlue and am a proud member of it I am not the least bit offended by what this person said and I certainly don't take anything he has to say about anything seriously or personally. I mean I don't watch him on TV and I certainly don't follow him on Twitter because he doesn't strike me as being all that relevant. Now I'm not going to say this person's mental elevator is a full express but it sure as hell isn't a local either because anyone who would say about #UniteBlue clearly has an elevator that skips some floors.
As such I'm not going to mention this fellow's name because he's not worth the time and I'm certainly not going to embarrass the network he works for by mentioning his name in the same sentence as that network because overall this network does a fantastic job and is entitled to have a "mistake" in its employ if it chooses as this not to be named individual most certainly is.
So to my fellow members of #UniteBlue don't dignify this stupidity by reacting to it or demanding an apology that cannot possibly be anything other than insincere. Our job; our only job, is to get people to the polls this election year and beyond; to render the Republican Party and the Far Right extinct. That's our job; to make the GOP the political equivalent of the Passenger Pigeon. That's it. All of this other stuff is just a needless distraction and is neither worthy of our attention or our time. We answer what was said about us today by getting people registered to vote and to the polls. Period. So move on my friends at #UniteBlue and just say to yourselves "Mistake who?" and leave it at that.
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