Sunday, January 26, 2014

The GOP as the American Al -Qaeda. By Eric Smith

Webster's Dictionary defines terrorism as "the use of force or threats to intimidate as a political policy." Webster's also defines terrorize as "to coerce, make submit, by filling with terror." This being the case one can only conclude that today's Republican Party is to women what Al Qaeda is to the world; it is a terrorist organization engaging in the terroristic tactics of threats & intimidation to demean women, to deny them their basic reproductive rights, to dehumanize them, and to reduce them not only to the level of second class citizenship but to the level of pets & chattel; who's lives & destinies are controlled in every way, shape, and form entirely by men.

Women have every right to be terrified of this terrorist organization otherwise known as the Republican Party. Listen to the rhetoric of its leaders. Visit social media sites and see the condescending, sexist, chauvinistic assaults repeatedly launched against the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Wendy Davis, Sandra Fluke, and any woman who dares to speak up for her humanity; to assert their right to be treated as the equal of men. The Republican Party and its Conservative ancestors of whatever political party opposed women's suffrage, opposed Roe versus Wade, the Equal Rights Amendment, legislation to further criminalize sexual abuse & domestic violence, and it has stood at the forefront of denying equal pay for equal work for women.

The Republican Party has turned a blind eye and fanned the flames of hatred that has led directly to the bombings of family planning clinic and the murder & maiming of the doctors & staff who work in them. In places like Texas it has closed down many of these clinics, forcing women not only to travel hundreds upon hundreds of miles but even out of the country itself to Mexico & Canada in order to exercise those rights of reproductive freedom that our national Constitution guarantees for them right here at home.

We call out terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda for attacking freedom & seeking to suppress individual liberties all over the world. Well it is way past time to start calling out the terrorist organization that is attacking freedom and using threats & intimidation in an effort to suppress individual liberties here at home; that terrorist organization of which I speak being none other than the Republican Party itself! If we regard women as being the equal of men, as being entitled to the same rights & liberties of the male gender, then we must call out the Republican Party for being the terrorist operation that it really is. It is way past the time where we need to concern ourselves with being nice; of worrying whether or not we offend somebody or not.

They, the Republican Party, is what it is; it's actions, conduct and policies speak for themselves. It is indeed engaged in an all out war against women and its tactics are the tactics of terrorists and therefore that makes the Republican Party, at least when it comes to women, a terrorist organization.

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