The only men who have even the vaguest idea of what it is to be a woman are those who have their gender changed and start living as one. Short of that we males cannot even begin to guess at the changes in biochemistry & other physiological issues that are biologically unique to the female gender. Aside from obviously not being able to grasp what it is like to be pregnant, neither do we males fully understand what it is like to be paid less for doing the same work as one of a different gender; not because we lack the same qualifications but because our genders are different.
As males we have no way of fully grasping the feelings of powerlessness that women feel when the state forces them to undergo an invasive medical procedure to which they have not given their consent. To those males who feel that a state mandated ultrasound is not invasive and does not constitute rape, let them support laws which will make penal & rectal exams mandatory to satisfy a political versus medical aim (which is the case with forced ultrasounds) and then let's see if these same males will then say that they do not feel powerless, that they do not feel violated, and that they are not being subjected to state sanctioned rape.
Since we males cannot carry a child to term over the nine months from conception to birth, we are not burdened with having to weigh whether or not it is better for the child we have carried to be aborted or be born due to horrible economic or pre natal conditions. We as men cannot really grasp the terrible emotional trauma that women contemplating the performance of an abortion must endure; of having to decide whether or not that life they are carrying would be better served by not ever being born at all rather than be condemned to endure a lifetime of ceaseless suffering; and we cannot grasp the horrible second guessing that destined to be endured by those women is who choose either route; who will for the rest of their lives be haunted by their decision if they conclude they made the wrong one.
As a man I do not have the right to tell a woman what to do in such matters because as a man I know I lack the knowledge about what life is like as a woman that necessary to make the right call. I cannot do it and I will not endeavor to try because I know that to do this is to disrespect not only every woman I have ever known but every woman who has ever lived; who has gone through life knowing exactly what it is to be a woman because she is a woman.
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