Friday, December 27, 2013

A Time of Shame. By Eric Smith

If ever there was a political optical illusion it is these polls showing the Republican Party gaining ground on President Obama and the Democrats. Come on people and wake up. Tomorrow 1.3 million Americans are going to be given the shaft by the Republican Party in the form of expired long term unemployment insurance benefits who's extension was blocked by a Republican Party which wanted to protect corporate welfare in the form of tax breaks & loopholes for millionaires and billionaires.

Tomorrow over a million Americans are going to be in danger of losing their homes, their cars, having their utilities cut off, and along with their children and other dependents going hungry all because a rich person will be able to buy an extra Rolls Royce, yacht, mansion, or any other luxury item of their choice. Because of the Republican Party a starving baby, a dead relative who would not die but for a roof over their head & food in their stomachs, and medicines for their ailments, are going to be the sacrificial carcasses laid out on the National Altar of Greed by a blood sucking leach of a political party that preys on the the sick, the most vulnerable, and the weak like a vulture preys on soon to be carrion.

Juxtapose these impending scenes of needless want, human suffering, and deprivation against a political party that publicly takes a perverted pleasure in the torture & humiliation of those Americans it deems as weak and helpless and as these horrifying images come to dominate our TV screens & social media outlets in the coming days and weeks ask yourselves what type of monsters have we ourselves become to permit this horror for make no mistake; every single person who either voted for these political parasites or chose to stay home and did not cast their vote against them in the last elections will be complicit in the unspeakable horror of want that will befall 1.3 million of our fellow Americans & their families in less than twenty four hours.

Tomorrow our national honor will be stained and we will, as a nation, because of greed, prejudice, and willful ignorance of the needless suffering of others, again be the laughingstock of the globe; the holier than thou self righteous "do as I say and not as I do" hyper hypocrites of the world! This country deserves better than this or does it? I personally can't say at this point because there comes a time when one just has to stop making excuses for that which we most love and openly admit to ourselves and to others that that which we cherish most is not all that it says it is and that it is not all that we want to believe it is.

I will therefore come right out and say that I am ashamed of America right now. I feel embarrassed for it because what is happening now is so wrong and so beneath what this country is supposed to be about. We can talk all we want about how this nation measures up to other countries but these are false comparisons for America plays in a higher league than everyone else; a league of its own and therefore the only standards it can be measured by are its own standards and in that regard America is now wanting. It is falling short of living up to those standards. It doesn't matter how we as a nation measure up to other nations; it only matters how we measure up to ourselves, to each other, and therefore come tomorrow morning, America in general and the Republican Party in particular, will have let America down...again.

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