Monday, December 16, 2013

Indifference. By Eric Smith

Maybe it's a sign of my getting old but whenever I hear of something derogatory about black people in general and President Obama in particular by the likes of the New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Fox News etc. my first reaction is like "Yeah, whatever." As a person of color in this country I have long since learned to take the existence of racism and racist people as a given. Oh I don't like it of course but I'm not as bothered by it as my writings sometimes indicate because I know it's not my problem, it's theirs. Time combined with changing demographics are eradicating these kind of people and their outdated way of thinking.

It is not a question of if this country will be free of these putrid people but when and the when will be far sooner than we think. So yeah, I battle these folks whenever I have to but I'm not phased by them because I don't respect them; I don't think they're relevant. I do my thing and when they're stupid enough to get in my way I flatten them and knock them out of my way and go on about my business as before. No big deal. I know that my side is going to prevail and they know that I know it and that I am right. So again, whenever I hear this racist craziness coming from these Right Wingers I'm like "Yeah. Whatever. That's their problem, not mine" and after doing what I have to do I move on. It's as simple as that.

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