Monday, December 23, 2013

Cooked. By Eric Smith

One day a fellow took a lobster home with him. Well this lobster had heard all these rumors about how lobsters taken "home" with folks like this fellow never came back and so this lobster was understandably quite apprehensive at first. However to his surprise the fellow who took him home with him treated him awful nice. I mean he was placed in large tank he had all to himself. He ate the best fish he'd had since he'd been in the ocean and what's more this time he didn't have to do any work to capture it. He'd be taken out of his tank and allowed to walk around the house with the dog & the cat; the kiddies loved him; even called him Clarence (what a nice name!).

Finally the lobster looked up at the fellow who brought him home and said. "Man, when you brought me here I thought you were going to do something bad to me. I heard all sorts of nasty rumors about people like you." The man looked down at the lobster and stroked him gently between the eyes. "Now Clarence, don't you believe none of those nasty things you hear about folks like me. I'm you're friend! Trust me." As if the lobster needed any more convincing he was given another large piece of his favorite fish. He tried to flap his tail like he usually did when he was happy but by now he had grown so large and fat he could barely move it.

Well a few days later the lobster saw some steam coming out of the kitchen. The lobster took some deep breaths and said "Hey Boss, whatever you is cookin' in there sho' smells good!" The man said "No Clarence. I'm not cooking anything just yet. All I'm doing is getting ready to give you a nice hot bath!" The lobster was so happy he managed to flap his tail in spite of his being so fat. "Really? Well take me to it Boss!" he hollered. With that Clarence literally leaped into the man's arms, was carried into the kitchen with a smile on his face, and was heard from no more. The moral to this story? Only black people who are as dumb and are as gullible as a lobster vote Republican.

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