Monday, December 16, 2013

The Pig Party. By Eric Smith

Today the Republican Party is dominated by human swine; so much so that one can fairly call it the Pig Party for like these porkers of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" they squeal loudest about Liberty but once in power brutally seek to deny that very Liberty to all but themselves. These swine are the faces of greed, avarice, adultery, and Fascism. They are the Filth of Freedom; defecating on our flag and our Constitution with their false claims of patriotism and love of America. They lack compassion for the poor & unfortunate; are racist towards people of color, sexist towards women, homophobic towards gays & lesbians, and totally intolerant of any religious Faith not their own.

See in these pigs the faces of John Beohner, Eric Cantor, and Paul Ryan. See in these swine the faces of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Donald Trump. See in these pigs the bleating faces of the political parasites of our time and see in them the faces of those who seek to destroy our cherished land and the freedoms and compassion for others that has made it so great.

If we truly love this country then we can no longer permit one of its two major political parties to be the living embodiment of these swine. If we really love America we will dedicate ourselves to consigning this Pig Party to the slaughterhouse of history. If we cherish our children and our children's future; if we want them to grow up really free, then we will do no less!

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