Thursday, December 12, 2013

Let go your filthy hands! By Eric Smith

The Republican Party preaches the virtues of smaller government; of government that is less invasive and respects the individual liberties of the American people. Yet there are few forms of government that are less invasive and less respectful of individual liberties that those state governments dominated by white male Republicans who are pushing through draconian pieces of legislation that literally allows the state to shove its proverbial male hand up a woman's uterus and determine for her all the important decisions affecting her physical, mental, and reproductive health. 

The proverbial white male hand of the Republican Party has placed its hand where it doesn't belong and in state after state is using that hand as the rapist uses his; to bend women to their will by force of law and violating her humanity and most basic human rights; rendering the efficacy of her humanity moot and reducing her to the level of chattel at best and a piece of raw meat at worst.

This state sanctioned rape of American women by the white male hand of the Republican Party should be roundly condemned by all Americans regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or economic class. Let us as a nation say as one to these sick, perverted, sexist, chauvinistic rape crazy white Republican men to pull their filthy hands out of women's uterus, to stop figuratively squeezing their breasts and their posteriors like they are a piece of fruit, their property, and existing only to satisfy their primitive prehistoric urges to assert male dominance! Let us do all that we can to break their grip and if necessary break their hand as well!

If you as a man truly love your mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, niece, girlfriend, or wife, then you cannot for any rhyme or reason not speak out and fight against what this male Republican hand is doing now for if the rights of one woman is violated then the rights of all women are equally violated. To tolerate these restrictive laws, to allow the Republican white male hand to remain within a woman's uterus is to proverbially countenance the metaphorical rape of you own mother, your own grandmother, your own sister, your own daughter, your own niece, girlfriend, and wife. You are nothing less than an accessory to the rapist if you do not speak out against and fight to repeal these laws for you are saying in effect that a woman has no rights that any man is bound to respect.

It takes a real man to respect a woman's rights for only a weak man fears a woman who is his equal. Only a lesser man seeks to substitute his lack of manhood by asserting a false sense of male dominance over a woman for in the end it is only the weak and the cowardly of males who think that the only way they can feel whole and strong is to denigrate, oppress, and weaken others. In the end these repressive laws stripping away a woman's right to make her own decisions regarding her mental, physical, and reproductive health are not a reflection of the weakness of the women they seek to subjugate. Rather they are a reflection of the weakness and moral depravity of those white Republican males who seek to subjugate them.

They are the ultimate losers here for make no mistake these laws will be repealed. Their dirty hands will be pulled from within the uterus of American women, and will, far sooner than later, bring us to that day when a woman's rights are respected; when gender discrimination, state sanctioned rape, pay inequality, and second class treatment, are a permanent part of the past. We will not lose this fight for to lose is to betray every woman who ever lived; to say in effect that she, whoever she is and was, made a mistake in bringing us into this world; in raising us, nurturing us, and teaching us. Better for the world itself that the entire male gender dies off and humanity becomes extinct than to allow this injustice to continue for such is its profound evil that our failure to end it will forfeit our very right to exist on this Earth.

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