Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cowards. By Eric Smith

Here's the deal with people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Louis Gohmert, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Donald Trump who go on the air and call women sluts, black people whatever, the poor moochers, welfare queens, etc.; if any one of them, any one, thought for evena minute that they'd be subjected to a thorough butt whipping by those (or their family members and close friends) they publicly call out, denigrate, and demean, they would shut right up. Every last one of them would shut right up and speak no more.

They say the things they do because they feel insulated from physical retaliation by those they defame. They hide behind their microphones & paid lackeys and have zero fear of ever physically encountering those they verbally attack over the air. Insulation makes brave the most cowardly of cowards and make no mistake that the aforementioned as well as those who speak along similar lines are as cowardly as they come.

That is why their words, however hateful, can only inflict injury with their intended target's consent. It doesn't matter what they say. It only matters what we feel about ourselves, what we feel about the causes we believe in,and the people we fight for. A coward has no opinion that anyone is honor bound to listen to or respect. The potency of their words is not a reflection of their power (the have none) but rather on the willful weakness of those who give their words credence; who reach the false conclusion that what these people have to say is relevant not because what they are saying has any merit (it does not) but because they happen to have a much bigger megaphone than most.

The power rests with us for we have the power to both ignore them and we have the power to boycott those establishments who's advertising dollars pay their salaries and pays for their megaphones. If we turn our backs to them, if we stop patronizing the businesses that feed them the advertising dollars necessary for their public survival they will, sooner than later, go away. If they are forced to air their viewpoints absent the security of a studio and run the real risk of encountering those they now assail from hiding, the Limbaughs, the Becks, the Gohmerts, the O'Reillys, and Trumps will clam up mighty quick because that is what cowards do when denied an audience and face the real time prospect of physical retaliation by those they attack.

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