Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Miracle of Mandela. By Eric Smith

Let's understand something and that is Conservatives in this country did not hate Nelson Mandela because he was allegedly a Communist. That's merely a smokescreen; a thinly veiled and ultimately failed means to cover up the real reason they hated him; namely that like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. he was opposed to and fought against white supremacy. Now of course they will counter this by claimingthat Dr. King was for non violence and that Mr. Mandela did not disavow violence in seeking to achieve his goals. That is a false analogy and shows a complete ignorance of the history of our two respective nations; namely that the United States was founded on the principle of liberty and full equality whereas South Africa was not.

Yet more to the point, here people of color are a minority and as such Dr. King rightly concluded that based on numbers alone a violent attempt to overthrow the apartheid system in the United States would have amounted to racial suicide and as such chose a path that he felt that was more likely to succeed. In South Africa what you had was a situation where some six million white people who were the descendants of invading white European colonists violently subjugated under the yoke of racial apartheid a native population of color of well over twenty million people and once Mr. Mandela concluded that the Ghandian methods of nonviolence would be ineffectual in overthrowing apartheid he logically and justifiably decided that violence was the answer because those white Afrikaners had no business being in South Africa in the first place, let alone suppressing the native population in the manner that they did.

The African National Congress would have been well within its rights to galvanize the majority black population to physically exterminate every white person in South Africa if that was what it would ultimately take to overthrow apartheid and it was the Miracle of Mandela that in the end prevented just such a fate from befalling them because it was inevitable. Those nations, including people those in this country, who smartly recognized this impending genocide of the Afrikaners in South Africa, wisely concluded that the only way to prevent that impending bloodbath was to force the apartheid regime's hand by imposing crippling economic sanctions to hasten its end and which frankly were imposed by this country over President Reagan's damnable veto of such sanctions (don't believe for a minute the revisionist claptrap that he later regretted that veto for he most certainly did not and any claim to the contrary is a self serving, blatant, ball faced lie!).

Reagan and his fellow Conservatives thought they were preserving that white supremacy they so held dear by opposing those sanctions but what they were really doing was condemning the white population of South Africa to a very violent and bloody end for make no mistake the native African population of South Africa was eventually going to reclaim their homeland by hook or by crook. They were going to win that fight; no doubt about it whatsoever.

So if we want to know what the real Miracle of Mandela is that was it. He spared the righteous fury of a long oppressed people who were rightly concluding that the only way to overthrow the violent, racist, blood thirsty, brutal regime that oppressed them in their own homeland by the descendants of that country's invaders was to physically wipe them off the face of the Earth. He stayed the Hand of Vengeance and he didn't have to for so great was the evil imposed upon his people that he and every person of color would have been more than justified in doing anything to overthrow that evil; no ifs, ands, or buts.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis and post. The legacy of both Dr. King and Nelson Mandela will last much longer than the evil forces of hatred that fuels racism.
